6 March 2012

Flute competition

I admit I was inspired with lovely posts by Cynical Romantic lately, about being a teacher and all the ups and downs this demanding vocation consists of. Since I am one, specifically a flute teacher, and since I rarely share my teaching experiences here, I figured it would be nice to shine some light on this very important part of who I am.

Many people, and among them are also my friends and relatives, think teaching is the best job in the world. This especially refers to music teachers who are often considered idle, with their "short" working hours, free holidays and summer brake, dealing with music, which is "such a lovely thing"...

The thing they don't know is how hard, energy and time consuming is endeavour of learning a child to produce a single note on his instrument, not to mention all the hard work required to raise a mature musician, a process which takes years and years of devotion, care and patience. I would say an average music teacher is considered to be very lucky to have 1 or 2 extraordinary students in generation, meaning students who are capable of producing satisfactory feedback on all the effort and energy invested in his/her musical progress. The percentage of talented students is extremely low if you consider that more than 90% of students have talent that is average or below average . This fact can be very frustrating and demotivating for music teachers...

But also there are those beautiful moments when you hear loud and warm applause after the performance of your students, who are comming with wide smile on their faces from the stage, looking at you with starry eyes, seeking your approval. It's in these moments when it all makes worthwhile, all the work, all the energy, all the nervous brakedowns and all the hours extra spent.

One of these moments took place this weekend on a regional flute competiton in Samobor. Two of my students, Marija and Marta, who happen to be sisters, both won the first prizes in pretty harsh competition. Ok, after that I was a nervous wreck, but I was so very proud and happy for my girls who are now looking at the state competition in a few weeks.

Here are some of the moments from the rehersal before their performance infront of the judges, which I haven't shot, I was way too excited, hope I am excused! ;)


Girls from the enemy clan ;))

Last check

Stage appearance matters! ;)

Sisters of Mercy on a single flute :))
Stellar crew - Marija, Marta and their lovely piano accompanst Ana
Marija and me


  1. Čestitke curama! I svaka čast tebi! Ja se iskreno divim i poštujem učitelje i profesore znajući da u njihovoj ulozi ne bih izdržala ni dva dana :)

    1. Hahhaha! Hvala, Asja! Niti ja nisam mislila da ću izdržati dulje od toga, pa eto...:))

  2. Cestitke! Drzim palceve za regionalno ;) Oduvek sam htela da naucim da sviram flautu :)

  3. Naježila sam se od ovog posta, baš si me dirnula. I riječima i slikama...

  4. Svaka čast curama, a i tebi. Ja sam uvijek htjela naučiti svirati kakav instrument, ali nisam nikad imala prilike (a vjerujem ni talenta :))pa se poprilično divim ljudima koji su u stanju

  5. Sjetila sam se da sam te nešto htjela pitati u vezi flaute, imaš li i učenike ili samo učenice? Pitam jer sam baš razmišljala poznajem li kojeg pripadnika muškog spola koji svira flautu i nijedan mi nije pao na pamet.

    1. Imam samo učenice, na žalost, dečki koji sviraju flautu su rijetki (i potencijalno gay, hahaha!, budući da se flauta percipira kao "ženski" instrument), međutim najbolji flautisti na svijetu su upravo muškarci (i nisu gay ;)) :)

      Ja sam ih u svojoj karijeri imala samo dvojicu i nisu bili baš nešto, a bome i nisu dugo izdržali moj teror :))

  6. Beautiful serie of portraits. A person playing an instrument gives the sense of feeling, intimate.

    1. Thank you, Dany! When I see a person playing instrument (a student), the only thing that comes to my mind is "jeez, must be hard for is teacher"! ;) Professional deformation ;)

  7. Da, valja nije dovoljno macho svirati flautu, sad kad bolje promislim, možda ih podsvjesno podsjeća na veliki falus, a svi znamo kako se svira flauta :)
