7 November 2011

Small treasures of suburbia

I love collecting hidden and forgotten gems of suburban area with my lens. This Sunday was the perfect day for it. Here's what I found...

Abandoned summer mansion which will be a perfect spot for my next, darkish inspired, photo-session...

Near the mansion was an old abandoned object, which I assume was a stable (??)...There I found pieces of broken mirror on the ground which will make a perfect supplement to the set...

I continued my wonderings and saw....

....an old granny with her 4 cats

... domestic animals enjoying warm autumn day...

...some lovely details of the old wooden houses...

...and an old lady picking wallnuts

I came home happy , with golden keys of  suburban treasury dingling in my pocket...


  1. Kod Brodaraca, Zorkovac :)

  2. ahh ovo me podsjeća na moje selo..nisam bila ima godnu dana :/ morat ću se zaletiti i malo prošetati.nema boljeg nego na svježi zrak uz minimalno prometa..priroda i životinje ^^

  3. Liječi oko, dušu i tijelo! ;)
