The weather was lovely yesterday morning. The main city promenade was crowded with crafters, whose flamboyant goods painted the main city promenade in vibrant colors. I was one among them as well! What can I say? I was so excited, since it was the first time I presented my products in public. I sold a few things, but actually, my main goal wasn't to earn the money, but to communicate and meet new people, exchange a few kind words and do something different from my routine!.
A lot of my friends came to visit my booth during their relaxed Saturday morning walk, to give support and the rest of my family was there as well. In the end everyone told me how lovely time they had and I was enriched with a new experience, motivated by their kind words of praise for my work and deeply touched. And that made my and everyone's heart sing, which is the most important thing! (it even rhymes ;))
Lovely seller of natural cosmetics |
Sweet seller of lovely butterfly necklaces.. |
My booth! |
Le bags! |
My ladies |
The owner of the booth right next to me had a puppy and my dad went mad about him, so these next few pics show slow progression of violence...:))
First, shy approach... |
...then, shyness suddenly vanished... |
....and violence began ;)) |
Shameless promotion and self-promotion ;) |
I think I should always be in souch company, makes me look skinnier ;) |
Sex, toddler and the City ;) |
The saleswoman ;) |
A lovely day.
ReplyDeleteŽao mi je što nisam bila, ali radna sam ovaj vikend, no vidim da si imala dosta posjeta:))
vidi se da si uzivala. kuca i tata su preslatki zajedno, moraces da mu nabavis jednog:)
ReplyDeletea i ti si slatka i imas divnu kosu :)
O, baš štand ti je bio baš super! Heheh, pa tko bi odolio malom slatkom psiću :)
ReplyDeleteI, da slažem se kosa ti izgleda jako lijepo!
Super, baš sve lijepo izgleda,drago mi je da je na kraju sve dobro ispalo.
ReplyDeleteI stvarno jesi lijepa i imaš lijepu kosu :).
fotke zrače pozitivnim vibracijama, štand je super, a ti djeluješ sretno što i jest najvažnije!
ReplyDeleteDivno, baš mi se sviđa kako si izložila torbice! Slažem se sa ostalima po pitanju tebe i kose :) a psić je presladak!
ReplyDeleteSviđa mi se štand. Super izgleda!
ReplyDeleteI ti izgledaš prekrasno! :)
Krasna si i ti i haljina :)
ReplyDeleteA i pesonja <3
Eh meni je blog odlučio zamjeniti tebe za Bitchy pa sad nju vidim a tebe ne kad iskoči neki novi post - da sam ranije znala, možda bih natjerala dragog da skočimo do tebe :) Predivne su ti stvarčice koje prodaješ, baš imaš neki svoj originalan štih :)
ReplyDeletethe pics are amazing!
Sve ti je prekrasno, uključiv fotke i stvarno se osjeća da si provela divan dan! :)